
5 Packaging Solutions That Help Keep Your Products Safe During Transit

Whether you are moving to a new house, or transporting fragile goods across the country as part of a business deal, proper packaging is needed to keep your possessions safe. Shipped materials encounter a number of different safety issues on the road. There are bumpy roads, fast turns, quick stops, changes in temperature, and potential mishandling. Safely packaging your shipped materials, then, is extremely important. The following five tips will help you find ways to keep your products and materials safe during transportation.

Transporting Liquids

If you are shipping liquids, place them in a container with a sealable lid. If shipping in a sealed container is not feasible, you can use a traditional box as well, so long as you secure the openings of the box with moving tape.

Then, to add an extra layer of security, place the sealed container in a waterproof bag. Seal or tie this waterproof bag, and then place the bag containing the liquid face up in a sturdy moving box. Seal the box, and write in black Sharpie “This Side Up,” to ensure that the liquids do not spill when they are being handled.

Loose Parts

If you have are transporting furniture or electronics, the loose parts – like nails, nuts, bolts, and cords – that accompany these popular household items makes moving furniture difficult. To keep yourself organized, place these loose parts in a plastic bag, and then tape the bag to the underside of the couch or piece of furniture.

Keep the tools, remotes, and electronics needed to assemble or operate these items in a properly labeled box that you place near the couch, television set, or stereo system during transport.

Wood Crates

For heavier loads, wood crates are cheap, effective strategies for safely packaging materials. Not only are wood crates extremely durable, they are easy to arrange in a transport truck, and work well with heavy duty plastic wrap.

There are a number of benefits to using wood crates to safely package your possessions before transporting them. After all, wood crates are constructed out of hard tree bark, whereas cardboard boxes are made of thin pasteboard materials.

Additionally, wooden crates are extremely easy to stack on top of each other, which allows you to transport a lot of material with only a small amount of space. And, for those who are concerned with environmental sustainability, wooden crates are more eco-friendly than cardboard boxes, which need to be recycled or thrown out after only one shipment.

Keep Items in Their Proper Places

When you are packing your forks, knives, and spoons, keep them in their trays or containers. This will save both time and space in your transport vehicle. To keep these eating utensils safe, though, tape a layer of bubble wrap around the utensils tray to keep the contents secure.

Fill Up Empty Spaces

If there are empty spaces or extra room in your wooden crates, fill those crevices with soft fabric items, like socks, heavy duty winter scarves, and pillow cases, to prevent your valuables from shifting too much during the move.

Figuring out how to keep your possessions safe during transit can be a difficult process. These five packaging solutions – using wooden crates, placing liquids in waterproof bags, keeping things in their original trays, filling up empty spaces, and being mindful of loose parts – are all useful ways to keep your products safe while moving or relocating them.