
Facts About Passive Fire Protection

Many businesses now need passive fire protection installed into their businesses by law. It does not matter entirely what the use of the building is for, whether it is a public building or an industrial building. If a building is near a nuclear power station or oil rigs, then they will need comprehensive fire protection to ensure they have extra protection to secure their building and to make sure that the fire does not go any further.
Types of Passive Fire Protection

Passive fire protection will include blast wall protection, fire resistant doors and windows, and fire resistant coatings on walls, ceilings and floors. All these different levels of protection will ensure that fire will not spread any further than it already has. Early warning alarm systems are also part of passive fire protection as they will alert businesses of fire before it comes in contact with their building.

If a business is at particular risk from fire, they have usually been specially designed to avoid fires becoming worse and spreading. The building will usually be separated into different areas and have fire resistant walls between each of the areas. Fire resistant walls are made from treated concrete or other treated materials. This will mean that if there is a fire or an explosion in the building which is at high risk, the damage will be minimised and the risk of the fire spreading to other parts of the building or other buildings are also lowered.

It is essential that if you work in a business which is at high risk of fire or near a business which has a high risk of a fire breaking out, that you have the right type of passive fire protection installed to your building. If you have you will find that in the case of a fire, it will stop the fire from spreading across the whole of the building and on to other buildings. It is now a law that you have to do everything you can in your business to prevent fire breaking out and to control the fire if it does. These passive fire protection techniques are all ways of controlling a fire if it does break out.

As well having the right type of protection installed to your business, you should also ensure that you and your employee’s training around fire protection are up to date. Having the right type of knowledge about passive fire protection will make a huge difference is a fire does break out.